The Pokemon Sleep app is basically an episode of Black Mirror
- The latest “gameplay” trailer reveals a host of nightmarish “features”
- You “partner” with Snorlax to build up “drowsy power” that will increase your “Sleep score” by trying to find “rare sleep styles”
- And how do you accomplish all this? By sleeping with your phone face down on your bed
Click this magical link and it will take you to a random Web 1.0 web page
- Definitely hit and miss, but the amount of random web pages will definitely take you back a few decades
Yes you’ve all used URL shorteners, but what about URL lengtheners?
- Make a unique link that’s nothing but a bunch of O’s
Ever get sick of insane password requirements? Then you’ll hate this
- Play the Password Game and see if you can make a password that follows all the rules
If you ever need to change the format of a file, check Format Swap first
- No spam or crazy ads, just file converters that work