Lazer Newz!
CHUCKY TEXT CAMPAIGN PARTY The possessed doll Chucky invites you to text him for threats, cursing, and teasers for the new season of his show coming October 4th. Read more here! DISNEY+ NOT MOVING AHEAD WITH [GREAT PLAINS MEDIA]
CHUCKY TEXT CAMPAIGN PARTY The possessed doll Chucky invites you to text him for threats, cursing, and teasers for the new season of his show coming October 4th. Read more here! DISNEY+ NOT MOVING AHEAD WITH [GREAT PLAINS MEDIA]
The Pokemon Sleep app is basically an episode of Black Mirror Click this magical link and it will take you to a random Web 1.0 web page Yes you’ve all used URL shorteners, but what about URL lengtheners? Ever get [GREAT PLAINS MEDIA]
IF YOU’RE NOT TIRED OF ZOMBIES YET, DEAD ISLAND 2 IS OUT THIS WEEK Smash zombies’ heads in an outbreak in LA and San Francisco Craft weapons and addons and then inflict gruesome, gory deaths Out this [GREAT PLAINS MEDIA]
Got a difficult friend to shop for? Try WTF do they want dot com Answer a few questions about the person in your life and browse a selection of gift suggestions You can also explore more [GREAT PLAINS MEDIA]
As you try new Thanksgiving recipes, save time with Just The Recipe Simply enter the URL of a recipe, and it’ll strip out all the ads and extra fluff, leaving you with just the ingredients [GREAT PLAINS MEDIA]